I have always loved old people. They are filled with so much loveliness and warm heartedness that if those two things alone could be bottled, then surely everyone should take two full teaspoons of that concoction a day, to live a more fulfilled and wonderful life.
On my way to work the other day I took my place at my bus stop next to two elderly women who were dressed to the nines, ready for a day of shopping in the city. I gave them a smile and a, “Hello girls” and sat down. I heard one of the women say to her friend, “I like her shoes”. I quietly congratulated myself yet again on a well-played purchase.
(“Well played purchase?” you ask? Indeed. You see, I bought this pair of shoes back in 2008 (before their time might I add) and after a couple of wears thought to myself, “I’m really going to miss these shoes once they’re worn out” so I went back two days later and bought the exact same pair of shoes to have as my back ups. Crazy cat? Not at all, because when my old trustees wore out two years later, I didn’t have the sorrow at throwing them out, or the despair at not being able to find just as cool shoes).
I said to the ladies, “I’m glad you like my shoes, because I love them too”! They proceeded to tell me about back in their day, my shoes (which are a black and white ballet flat version of a brogue dancing shoe) were similar to what the men wore when they went to dances. We went on to have a conversation about dancing and of course I asked them about what their favourite dresses were to wear for dances. The buoyancy of their conversation and the emotion behind their words when explaining the beauty of their outfits and the memories of dancing was the loveliest song to listen to. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; to evoke a memory through the way we dress is a beautiful thing. To relive the memory through storytelling or conversation, I’ve decided is also just as wonderful. I asked them if they still dance and both did not. I wish that they did.
When I asked them about what they thought of today’s fashion, I was a little bit surprised at what they said. I thought that for two very elegantly dressed ladies they would have a lot to say about ‘youth fashion’. Whilst they didn’t necessarily like the fashion that was around they said that the acceptance of self-expression through how you dressed was something they admired in younger people. By this stage we were on the bus and my stop was coming up so our conversation was cut short. As I was Go Card-ing myself off I heard one of the ladies say, “I’ve got a grandson that might be her age”. Oldies… filling the world with a whole lot of loveliness and looking out for well being of others!
Moral of the story: Catch a bus. It might just make your day.
About Penelope
I’m a fashion illustrator, designer, storyteller and ambassador who helps brands in the fashion, lifestyle and travel industries, build brand recognition, credibility, loyalty, and trust whilst offering a fresh perspective.